Lisa Hoskin
Reiki Master Teacher
Psychic Reader & Medium
Mindset Coach
Tarot Card Reader
Workshop Facilitator
Empower your body, mind and spirit with courage, calm and personal strength.
Expertise Areas
Reiki Energy Healing
A Reiki Energy Healing session, with Lisa, consists of a short meditation, channeling Reiki life force energy, guided imagery, and chakra balancing. The key benefits of a Reiki session are relaxation, pain relief, increase of intuition and beneficial habit shifts. Reiki releases energy that is not serving our highest potential which then provides room for growth, new energy and allows you to experience a higher vibrational frequency.
Hypnosis is a safe and effective method that allows you to access your subconscious mind, enabling you to transform your self-esteem and improve your overall well-being. Together we use hypnosis to access your state of focused attention to help you achieve your goals and make positive changes in your life.
Psychic Readings & Mediumship
A psychic session consists of reading your energy to offer advice about your past or future health, money and relationships.
Messages from deceased loved ones can also be communicated in a psychic session.
Tarot Card Reading
Tarot card readings are a beautiful way to identify the thoughts and behaviours that may be preventing your desired outcome. It is a gentle method to let you view situations in a better light. What message does the universe have for you?
Mindset Coach
Receive weekly coaching sessions to mentor and inspire you to become your higher self that is courageous and determined to manage life challenges with ease, and welcome constant personal growth.
Learn more about my Services
Featured Services
All of my services are geared to providing you a positive, uplifting and enlightening experience. The services will aid your healing journey, offer you emotional and mindset shifts and leave you with a new sense of calm, courage and empowerment.
Check out my workshops:
- Reiki Certifications
- Reiki Shares
- Forest Bathing Sessions
- Spiritual Women’s Circles
- Tarot Card and Tea
- Group Hypnosis
Reiki Treatments
In-Person 90 Min Reiki Session
Online 45 Min Distance Reiki Session
Psychic Reading & Mediumship
Online 20 Min Psychic reading or
Mediumship messages from the deceased, or
Customized In-person reading.
Mindset Coaching
Six months of weekly one-hour coaching sessions to help you:
– improve confidence
– hack unserving habits
– alter limiting beliefs
– increase resilience and courage
– become accountable
– be disciplined and consistent
A 15 Min free consultation call to assess if I’m the right
Hypnotist for you. We will discuss your desired goals.
On-line or In-Person 90 Min Hypnosis Session to achieve your positive transformational change.
Tarot Card Reading
Online or In-Person 20 Min Tarot Card Reading. See how the Universe sees your Soul’s Journey your Love life or your Past, Present, and Future.
A Tarot Card Reading often identifies thoughts and behaviours that are preventing you from your desired outcome.
Check out my workshops:
- Reiki Certifications
- Reiki Shares
- Forest Bathing Sessions
- Spiritual Women’s Circles
- Tarot Card
- Group Hypnosis
Learn more about my Services
About ME
I’m here to help you.
I’m here to help you view your life, your experiences, your desires from a different light.
I’m here to help you start a healing journey. I’m here to help you have beneficial shifts in your habits and beliefs that moves you towards peace and joy
interested in a consultation
Want to schedule a meeting or ask a question?
Kate Rose
Contact ME and LEt's Chat
shifts and improvements can start with one conversation.
Feel free to call, email or submit this contact form.
I’m happy to have a free initial consultation conversation to help you determine if I am the right person to aid you in your healing or personal transformation journey.
Phone: 905-410-6789 Email: