
Hypnosis can help you redesign your life.
Use the power of your mind to achieve your goals.

What change are you seeking

Hypnosis Services

Clinical Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a safe and effective method that allows you to access your subconscious mind, enabling you to transform your habits and improve your overall well-being. Together we use hypnosis to access your state of focused attention to help you achieve your goals and make positive changes in your life.

Hypnosis can be your tool to achieve success!

You are encouraged to reach out and ask questions about hypnosis services. 

15 Minute Free Consultation
90 Minute Online Clinical Hypnosis Session for $150
Akashic Record Hypnosis

Akashic Record Retrieval

The Akashic Record Retrieval Hypnosis is a journey of the sub-conscious mind to explore your personal book in the Akashic records. Essentially it is a database of information that transcends all realms and dimensions and can be thought of as a massive library of information. This hypnotic journey helps identify the unchanging core of your own individual self. Who are you? What does your soul want to do? How do you fulfill your desires? How do you feel whole? What is suppressing the experiences of your highest self. This Hypnotic Akashic Record journey can help you understand the energetic blocks, patterns habits, fears and phobias that you carry from childhood and potentially past lifetimes. It helps you access the reasons behind your choices. Getting to know your soul can be very validating. The records can help you identify your strengths and reveal some dysfunctional aspects as well. This process can help you more authentically align with your true self.

90 Minutes Online Akashic Record Retrieval Hypnosis for $150

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

Past Life Hypnosis is a gentle and safe method of hypnosis that will allow you to go back though time to your previous lives, and incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious mind. A hypnosis session for past life regression guides you into a state of consciousness to locate the memories that are beneficial to your current life and your higher self.

Past Life Regression can help you to:

  • Reconnect with past life experiences.
  • Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places and people.
  • Identify physical ailments, which may be past life remnants.
  • Explore unresolved emotions carried through to this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain.
  • Acknowledge and embrace key lessons from those lives.
120 Minutes Online Past Life Regression Hypnosis for $300
Life Between Lives

Life Between Lives Hypnosis

Life between lives hypnosis enables you to access your own spiritual wisdom to find a deeper understanding of who you are. It provides clarity about your identity. It brings healing and expanded consciousness to your current life. Life between Lives refers to the experience of your “being” between incarnations (the inter-life), where you exist as a pure energy being. Life between lives is a deep hypnotic guided process. It allows you to remember your experience of the afterlife and reconnect with your true self and your guiding beings. In a life between lives session, you will  experience complete physical relaxation to reach a state of expanded consciousness where hidden spiritual memories can be accessed. The purpose of life between lives is to retrieve deep personal wisdom for individual growth, healing and curiosity.

Life Between Lives Hypnosis provides:


  • Reconnection with a past life experience.
  • Identification of your Soul Group.
  • Lessons, trainings and information that prepares you for additional lives.
  • Recreational outlet information
  • Akashic records details
  • A consultation with the Council
  • Information on your life and body selection
  • Answers to your pending questions
120 Minutes Online Life between Lives Hypnosis for $300

Hypnosis can help with the following and MORE

  • Stop smoking, vaping
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Weight Loss
  • Remove fears and habits
  • Motivation
  • Sleep
  • Public Speaking
  • Anger and Abuse Issues
  • Test Anxiety and Concentration
  • Relationships
  • Divine Connection
  • Childbirth
  • Pain Management
  • Self Esteem and Self Confidence 
  • Sexual Issues
  • Improve mood
  • Children’s Issues
  • Improve Sports
  • Procrastination
  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Inner Wisdom
  • Self-Empowerment 

What to expect

We will meet at a designated date and time using an online video meeting. I will explain the process of hypnosis and together we will discuss your treatment goals. Once your desired goal is communicated and well understood, I will ask you to close your eyes and relax in a comfortable chair. Then I typically talk in a gentle, soothing tone and describe images that create a sense of relaxation, security, and positive well-being.

When you are in a receptive state, where you are able to quiet your busy conscious mind and activate the sub-conscious mind, I will suggest ways for you to achieve your goals. As listed above, there are many goals that can be successfully achieved using hypnosis, such as smoking cessation, reducing pain, eliminating cravings, and increasing income. 

I will help you imagine vivid, meaningful mental images of yourself accomplishing your goals. When the session is over, I will help you end your state of relaxation. You will be assigned some homework tasks for you to utilize self-hypnosis to strengthen the accomplishment of your desired goals.

Contrary to how hypnosis is sometimes portrayed in movies or on television, you will never lose control over your behaviour while under hypnosis. Also, you generally remain aware and remember what happens during the hypnosis session.

interested in a consultation
Lisa Hoskin

Want to schedule a meeting or ask a question?

Call 905-410-6789 or Email Info@lisahoskin.com

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shifts and improvements can start with one conversation.

Feel free to call, email or submit this contact form.
I’m happy to have a free initial consultation conversation to help you determine if I am the right person to aid you in your healing or personal transformation journey.


Phone: 905-410-6789 Email: Info@lisahoskin.com